Tuesday, August 30, 2011

give up, hurt, bad, nd im not the perfect person -______-'

30082011 ; 1stday raya hoo :O
korg, sorry aku tk sent or rep text salam/2 korg tuh. hee eknmi turun la :)
so, aku dpt wish kt fb jea! ahha sorry geng Huhh :/

oky nw, aku rasa tkd mood ja. tktwu knp, nd si dia smnjk ney mmg dea slalu hilg.
nd tktwu dea prgi mna? hm sorry if i ada t'silap kata, t'kasar bhsa,
t'cuit kaa apa kn. sorry ya! if u hilg nd ttb text i, then i ckp 'its oky, dah biasa' 
sorry you. bkn nk bwt you srba slh but, hm nothings la kayy.
sorry if i give you fake smile -,- serious, i feel so sad when you go.idk why
im so sorry again. i just worried bout you, im sorry if i sbuk/2 nk amk twu psl u.
kay enough thnks :3

Monday, August 29, 2011

thanks fer spent time with me:)

28082011 ; sunday
babyg, thanks dah spent time dgn i kay? i appreciate it:) you mmg dngki i kn?
huhh. suke kne kn i -,- slmt la i ney bkn bdk bodo haih! bpe lama i tggu haaaa.
hutg ttp hutg kay! hihi:P best jalan dgn awak, dpt kcau awak lg hee blueeekk :D
now, i dah twu care awak haa, mkn mmg 8jam tk pn abs haha :D
hmm. tp mcm tk sun jea kn? hm nk g kotaraya pstu tk cm ramai plak org -______-
haihh! full tkd table ksong lgsng Hm :( last/2 g sgget jaa kn? Huhh
then kita jln/2 aha msuk satu kdai tuh, pst i bwt/2 mcm org kje situ.
(begini bunyinya)

Boy : ha msuk kak, tgk/2 bju style bru jea semo kak .
Girl : ehh numb phne ad? weh, numb phne laaa.
Boy : aik? btp tny numb phne i. i tk jual laaa, i jual bju ja kak.
           haha. bole bly kn utk bf bju kak:) dah nk raye ney, 
           offer/2 murah/2 jea kak:)
Girl : ha bly bju utk bf? tkd bf la. nk bly numb you bole?
           (aku nk usha kau laa)
Boy : haha bedekak ktwa :D

Haha kelakar la you ney, then klua kdai tuh you tarik tgn i Auww^^
suka ohh hihi:) kita jln lg, then blek. time blek tggu bas plak,  you dh peluh en. 
i lap peluh you, ksian bdk comel ney hihi:) auwww ^^ then tgggu bas tkd la 
lame sgt kn? hihi pst you nek bus maen msuk jea kn?  kuang asm! haha. tkpe laaa,
slmt dlm bas tk rmai org hee tkd smpy bdri kn:)  lastly dah smpy, 
you bwt flyin' kiss. auww:* hihi thnks girls, fer being my side. nd spent time fer me
even i knw it still not enough kot. tkp kay, insyallah nxt time ade lg hee wo ai ni <3

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

imissyou :'(

awak? awak kte nk ckp ney. kte rindu awak. hishh :( late ney, you mcm hilang/2 jea. 
hm tkp laa kn, myb you busy agaknye -_____-' so tkp i undrstnd. 
hmm dah lme tk nmpk you -,- if i still sch, selalu i pgi class you crik you. now? 
dah tkd. sorry awak kte nakal slalu bwt hal. hmm tkp laa, nty ade mase myb 
dpt kot meet you Huhh --'  seriously i miss you gila bbyg :(
awak jage diri bek/2 tww. if ade pape u twu kn mne nk crik i?
imissyou alot :'(

Saturday, August 20, 2011

dedicated for you.


i bwt ney khas fer you taww!
gif picture, if tkbole tgk. just click pic ney ;)
that's why fb dp i gune pic yg 1st ney hihi^^
19082011 bosan gila.
bgun pagi sama jea bnde i bwt.
bsuh muke hdp lppy bosan gilaaa,
so i plan to do this for you

you're so beautiful :)

ehem ehemm :)
oky aku jst nk story, best gila dpt dgn kau :D
hihi happy ngekk^^
kau comel, kau machen, kau pndek nd ILY
jahatkn aku? hehe sorry^^
kita prgi bazar sesama dgn amirul nd min, pst u bkn nk bly.
then, kacau abg remy jamil kita krjeee bhaha :P
haha pst u suru mama u bly apa la :D
then, mlm kite klua lg kn?
auww^^ best gila :)
kte g lpak satu tmpt tuh kn, then borak/2
fight mate Haha i kalah jea u said 'HUTANG!'
haha tk aci awww pst slap i, Erhhh -___-'
sakit nggokk! pst ad ank org kt tmpt tuh,
kne kutuk la apa laa kn haha
dea buat bising then u ckp 'eh pa, g amk ank tuh. i pnt la'
haha kuang asm kau eyk.
aku lagi pnt auww :)
then kt atas plak, kite tgk bintang same/2 :)
i ckp nty star/2 kt atas ney akn t'bntuk 
satu huruf name. then you ckp mne? aha
last/2 ade kn wakk ^_^
pst i tnjuk you satu text tuh kn.
then you slap slow ckp
asl ttbe ckp cmney Haaaa? while that mood 
u b'ubah mara -,-
i just bg smile mcm ney Haha :D
rase laen sgt if dgn you, mcm dunia ney kita yg punya :)
auwww suke gila weh dpt lpak dgn kau hehe :D
btw i'll miss this moment awak ^^
thanks fer being my side!
  should know that i love you more than you love me 
i'm scared to losing you.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Kegembiraan bertukar tragedi -.-'

13 Aug 2011 ; 3.41am
Lokasi ; After traffic light smpng 4, belok knan turun ke jln tokong jln tasek seri alam.

Eksident dgn Felat sam --' Keadaan aku tk teruk sgt kot, tp pelat jea truk. Kaki dea lobang,
tgn luke byk gilaaa, muke sikit misai ilang nd moto makgat patah.
Tktwu la mcm mne pg ney rase bgitu pelik, startin' bfore grak osmn tuh. Aku ttbe terdiam sorg/2,
tktwu knpaaa? Huh tkpe la nk bt cmne lg kn, bnde pn dah jd. Susah aku nk story kt sney
nk twu cte tny aku sndr haha :P ney first time jln jauh naek felat sam, biasenye 
aku naek wan/rafiz. Oleh krna, ktorg grak osmn ney. Kira nk clbrate bfday sadiq
so wan bwk laa dea so aku naek pelat :) TK SEMPAT RAYA LA MCM NEY :(
semo plan aku tk jd tahun ney :'( Nk naek KL dah nxtweek bole plakk tragedi dtg
mlndaa diri ku. Tkp aku redha, kwn/2 jgn la jd mcm aku ney kay? Tk dgr ckp parents Erhh --'
aku ney jahat sgt koot? Huhh. Tp slmt pakaian aku kira safety pg td,
sluaa pepsi tuhh, coat hitam nd nova dot! If aku gune nova sport mati mmg muke aku
koyak babak, kjdian ney b'laku kira/2 20 saat jea. Pstu semo blaaah, tkp dnt wrry korg 
aku still kuat lg haha -,- Fuhhh kira t'slmat la aku mm aku dh ckp kt wan nk gune glove
aku sejuk, degil selfish. So bia la huhh slmt tgn aku tk hilang tepi jln uh --'

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Taiko tai ney wehh.

Hey kwn plak tuh strtin' ayat. Mak oii hebat eah kau, ha tkp sknk aku fllw game kau
Tp sorry to say la bro. Wa tkkn lyn amoi mcm lu ney, psl bnde kcik molek tuh
alahai tuh pn tk bole sttle nk org atas jgak? kay/2 tkp :) sekali darah aku tumpah
tkd hal bro, tp lu ingt lu sntuh wa psl ape nd wa rpeat balek jgn byk bnyi
Lu kcau hidup wa? Lu pn susah kay bro. Bkn nk ckp besar la kay? 
Jgn ingt wa nk snyap yea taiko :) Bukan wa nk jd org brada, tp protokol!
Ada masa wa hantar bunga, ada masa wa datang dan smpi masa kita perang!


Hoiii kau, kau la sapa lg. Kau laaa!

Awkkk la haa sapa lg yg bace ney Haha :) Bosan dho, nd rinduu kau BLOGGER hihi^^
Hmm, awak wakkk kte kn rindu awak tw haha :D Rinduu sgt! Nk date dgn awak bole? 
Eheee :) Opss sorry, zzz t'lbehh dahh Huh. Hm nk gtau ney, mlm ney mlm esk mlm esk
Kte tkd tw wak, myb busy sikit kte kje laaa. Nxtweek lak i naek KL hmm 
sorry yea tk dpt tman Huhh --' Myb nxtweek i byk tk dtg sch aw? Hmm nk kje laa
Ha sorry yeaaa wak awak takecare yea bdk comel :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Its not easy --'

 Im so sorry girl :'( Bukan niat saya nak tinggalkn. Saya buat yg t'baek utk awak. 
Saya mintak maaf sangat --' Awak jgn ingt saya suke nd hppy awak tkd. 
No, but i'll smile fer you :) btw thnks alot fer you. 
Cause' be my side :) I apprctte it! Idk how to explain more nw,
its too hard i wanna leave you, but i knw you not mine its oky i undrstnd it
Please you dnt think ngtive i always need you. After this, 
i not using phne. im sorry you :'(
If u need me, just cntct me at my fb kay? I'll always waiting fer you girl :(
yes i admit i love you, but i need nd should to leave you. I dnt want you sad,
i hope you hppy being him side kay?
Im so sorry capital s --'

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Fake Smile!

Even now i let you go but its oky,
i undrstnd kay girl.
Its too hard i want let you go/
But? Zzz im so sorry
You'll knw what i feel
Thanks fer all babe!
Ndd thnk fer be my side
You must knw nd should knw
my feeling at you will not chnge :)
I jst can give you outside hppy smile
But inside? Hee sorry^^

Now on :)

Haha strt now on, i'll stop thinkin' bout you!
All bout you i'll keep in my deep heart kay --'
Dnt worry bout me, just leave me nd
let me go far alone :)
I hope you'll accpt my decision.
Today is my last day my last night!
You sick? Oky go take mdcine nd take more rest kay!
not need to creep kayy Please?
Do it fer me. Jst that' all ;)
I jst wanna say im sorry girl
Takecare yrself yaw!
I knw i come in yr life jst wastd yr time
Sorry kay babe
i hope you can undrstand yeah
Thanks alot bebb! :) 

Friday, August 5, 2011

Attention geng! Haha :D


Morning Flyin' Love :)

5 Aug 2011 ;)

Ehem today aku nk story sikit la kn. Haa,
pg/2 bgun nk g sch yezzaa ofc mcm biase! Jumaat mls gila Haha :P
Then kua ruma mcm biase tp tk smpy kea dstinasi pg  :D
Bwk la hp kn, then txtin' dgn ehem someone ney
Hehe 1st time kot, pg lagi dah meet someone
Auwww <3 big smile kuaa en hehe suke kcau you mchen ;)
Dah la you bru wakeup nd tk sch enn haha
Eeuww awk busuk tk mndi lg Hihi^^
Ha tkd la, tk busuk pn just macheeeeen jea Haha Blueeek :P
sukaa gila dpt meet bdk ney!
Gram jea aku tgkkk muke awak tuh, Ishh
Dah la comeel auww t'pikat hihi^^
If bole stopkn mase, dh lme i stop kn mase tuh
Nk dgn awakkk jea Hehe :)
Best boleeee? Borak/2 dgn awakk machenn ;)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hoii Chik Chils^^

Chik Chils hihi bukan name sebenar :)
Wey thank dho, ltak name aku kt info kau Hee :D
We're photographer partner geng!
Hihi^^ Ney lak aku bg suprice utk kau yoo ;)
Aku suke style kau beb, hehe nk copy eh? Sleck sch lg
Eish untg kau dpt buat rmbut tuh Haha
Ehemm chik, dga kau da dpt bf? Whoaa congrat's Hihi
Hebat yeaaa kau Pewiiit Nty dah bole blnje aku 
icecream auww Haha :P
*Nah pict ney special utk kau bdk kecik metot Haa :D
sorryyy aku job pict kau Ngee :P